Click to view original post in dataset or 'Obejct ID - Location' to show object on the map. | Y-DNA | mtDNA | Mean Age (ybp) | Country - Culture |
KRA005 - Wüstung Krakau bei Peißen, Saxony-Anhalt | E-S3003 (E1b) | H23 | 736 | Germany - Germany Medieval |
I0099 - Halberstadt-Sonntagsfeld | R-FT6375* (R1a) | H23 | 3024 | Germany - Halberstadt_LBA |
UNTA85_1163 - Haunstetten – Unterer Talweg 85 | () | H23 | 3903 | Germany - EBA Lech Valley |
I6463 - The Baqah | () | H23 | 3300 | Jordan - Baqah MB11A |