Ancient DNA: Map based on public dataset on (

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24 samples found (0.16% of all samples).
Click to view original post in dataset or 'Obejct ID - Location' to show object on the map. Y-DNA mtDNA Mean Age (ybp) Country - Culture
Donkalnis4 - Donkalnis, Lithuania I-P215 (I2) U5b2c1 7823 Lithuania - Kunda culture
IKI003 - İkiztepe  I-P215 (I2) J1c16 5170 Turkey - Ikiztepe BA
Iboussieres25-1 - Aven des Iboussières à Malataverne, Rhône-Alpes I-P215 (I2) U5b2a 11675 France - Iboussieres25-1
I6744 - Aveline_9 I-P215 (I2) U5b1 10393 Great Britain - England_Mesolithic
VLASA7 - Vlasac I-P215 (I2) U5a2a 8552 Serbia - Iron Gates LM
Chaudardes1 - Chaudardes I-P215 (I2) U5b1b 8218 France - France_Mesolithic
BICS3 - Bicske-Galagonyás I-P215 (I2) J1b 7000 Hungary - Sopot_LN (early phase)
I3713 - Volniensky, Vilnianka I-P215 (I2) U4b1a 6942 Ukraine - Ukraine_Neolithic
ROS45 - Rosheim I-P215 (I2) H5u 6644 France - Grossgartach
CRE11A - Béziers I-P215 (I2) X2b-226 6250 France - Chasséen ancien
BERG157-1 - Bergheim I-P215 (I2) U8a1 6050 France - BORS-Michelsberg
I0520 - Banbury Lane, Northamptonshire, England I-P215 (I2) U5a2c 5180 Great Britain - England_N
TGM008 - Saxony-Anhalt, Germany I-P215 (I2) .. 5107 Germany -
hem004 - Hemmor, När I-P215 (I2) U4a2 5060 Sweden - Pitted Ware Culture
FAD3 - Pépieux I-P215 (I2) H3 5041 France - Néolithique final 2 (Vérazien classique)
Gokhem4 - Gökhem, Vastergotland I-P215 (I2) H 4924 Sweden - Funnel Beaker culture
I10283 - Cova de la Guineu, Font-rubí, Barcelona, Catalonia I-P215 (I2) H 4900 Spain - NE_Iberia_MLN
vbj008 - Västerbjärs, Gothem I-P215 (I2) U5b1d2 4616 Sweden - Pitted Ware Culture
Bul8 - Beli Breyag I-P215 (I2) .. 4450 Bulgaria - Bulgaria_Beli_Breyag_EBA
PIR3117 - Valros I-P215 (I2) K2a5 3909 France - Early Bronze Age
I0807 - Esperstedt I-P215 (I2) H1e1a 5799 Germany - Baalberge_MN
I4167 - Beli Manastir-Popova zemlja I-P215 (I2) U5b2b 6635 Croatia - Sopot_LN
I2387 - Hódmezővásárhely-Kökénydomb Vörös tanya I-P215 (I2) K1b1 6700 Hungary - Tisza_LN
I3023 - I-P215 (I2a) T / V22 5300 Great Britain - Britain_Early_Neolithic