Ancient DNA: Map based on public dataset on (

Instructions: Search for an Object_ID, Haplogroup or Country.

11 samples found (0.07% of all samples).
Click to view original post in dataset or 'Obejct ID - Location' to show object on the map. Y-DNA mtDNA Mean Age (ybp) Country - Culture
KRD001 - Hatay Province H-Z15373 (H2d) .. 7629 Turkey - TellKurdu_EC
DER032 - Derenburg-Meerenstieg II H-Z15373 (H2d) HV+16311 7147 Germany - Neolithic LBK
DER009 - Derenburg-Meerenstieg II H-Z15373 (H2d) HV+16311 7096 Germany - Neolithic LBK
DER004 - Derenburg-Meerenstieg II H-Z15373 (H2d) K 7022 Germany - Neolithic LBK
DER011 - Derenburg-Meerenstieg II H-Z15373 (H2d) H1j 7022 Germany - Neolithic LBK
DER014 - Derenburg-Meerenstieg II H-Z15373 (H2d) V1a 7022 Germany - Neolithic LBK
DER020 - Derenburg-Meerenstieg II H-Z15373 (H2d) n/a 7022 Germany - Neolithic LBK
DER026 - Derenburg-Meerenstieg II H-Z15373 (H2d) K1a3a3 7022 Germany - Neolithic LBK
DER030 - Derenburg-Meerenstieg II H-Z15373 (H2d) n/a 7022 Germany - Neolithic LBK
ART042 - Malatya Province H-Z15373 (H2d) T1b 5767 Turkey - Arslantepe_LC
ART032 - Malatya Province H-Z15373 (H2d) N1b1a2 5254 Turkey - Arslantepe_LC