Ancient DNA: Map based on public dataset on (

Instructions: Search for an Object_ID, Haplogroup or Country.

41 samples found (0.28% of all samples).
Click to view original post in dataset or 'Obejct ID - Location' to show object on the map. Y-DNA mtDNA Mean Age (ybp) Country - Culture
I8930 - White Rock Point (GrJb2) B-M8500 (B2b) L2a4 4450 Kenya - LSA
I10551 - Farkhor E-CTS10298 (E1b) n/a (<2x) 4450 Tajikistan - Farkhor_BA
I6670 - Parkhai II G-M201 (G) 4450 Turkmenistan - Parkhai_EBA
Bul8 - Beli Breyag I-P215 (I2) .. 4450 Bulgaria - Bulgaria_Beli_Breyag_EBA
Bul6 - Beli Breyag I-S12991* (I2a) .. 4450 Bulgaria - Bulgaria_Beli_Breyag_EBA
A6 - Serteya (Smolenskaya oblast) II N-Tat (N1a) H2? 4450 Russia - Zhizhitskaya
I0374 - Nikolaevka III, Samara River, Samara R-M12149 (R1b) H13a1a 4450 Russia - Poltavka
A8 - Serteya (Smolenskaya oblast) II R-M459 (R1a) H2? 4450 Russia - Zhizhitskaya
A9 - Serteya (Smolenskaya oblast) II R-M459 (R1a) H2? 4450 Russia - Zhizhitskaya
Irie12 - Irie () D4h2 4450 Japan - Early to Late Jomon
Irie7 - Irie () N9b1 4450 Japan - Early to Late Jomon
Irie9 - Irie () M7a3 4450 Japan - Early to Late Jomon
IriePointB - Irie () N9b1 4450 Japan - Early to Late Jomon
IrieRoadconstruction - Irie () N9b1 4450 Japan - Early to Late Jomon
CHEP3 - La Cheppe () U5b1b2 4450 France - Neolithique final
CHEP4 - La Cheppe () U5b1b2 4450 France - Neolithique final
L0642 - Qinghai () D4j3 4450 Tibet - Tibet_BA_Zongri
L1149_d - Qinghai () G2a1 4450 Tibet - Tibet_BA_Zongri
I0252 - Grachevka II, Sok_River, Samara () U5a1b 4450 Russia - Poltavka
Ardu0 - Ardu, Estonia () T2a1a 4450 Estonia - Corded_Ware_Estonia
ALT_3 - Althausen () K1b2b  4450 Germany - Althäuser Hockergrab
I11044 - Farkhor () 4450 Tajikistan - Farkhor_BA
I6713 - Middle Yenisei region, Afanasieva Gora () U5a1g2 4450 Russia - Afanasievo Middle Yenisei
I6466 - Verdelha dos Ruivos, District of Lisbon () K1b1a1 4450 Portugal -
I6467 - Verdelha dos Ruivos, District of Lisbon () K1a4a1 4450 Portugal - BK_Portugal_POR
I8132 - La Vital, Gandia, València/Valencia, Valencian Community () H1aq 4450 Spain - SE_Iberia_CA
I8931 - White Rock Point (GrJb2) () L0a2 4450 Kenya - LSA
Malga1 - Gruta de Malgasta, Estremadura () J 4450 Portugal - SW Iberia Chalcolithic? (Late Neolithic-Bronze Age)
Malga2 - Gruta de Malgasta, Estremadura () J 4450 Portugal - SW Iberia Chalcolithic? (Late Neolithic-Bronze Age)
Turq1 - Gruta do Carvalhal de Turquel, Estremadura () K1a 4450 Portugal - SW Iberia Chalcolithic Bronze Age?
Turq2 - Gruta do Carvalhal de Turquel, Estremadura () K 4450 Portugal - SW Iberia Chalcolithic Bronze Age?
Spreitenbach-Moosweg1 - Spreitenbach-Moosweg () J1c 4450 Switzerland - Corded_Ware_Switzerland
Spreitenbach-Moosweg11/7 - Spreitenbach-Moosweg () U2e1 4450 Switzerland - Corded_Ware_Switzerland
Spreitenbach-Moosweg15/4 - Spreitenbach-Moosweg () H11a 4450 Switzerland - Corded_Ware_Switzerland
Spreitenbach-Moosweg16/10 - Spreitenbach-Moosweg () H 4450 Switzerland - Corded_Ware_Switzerland
Spreitenbach-Moosweg17/5 - Spreitenbach-Moosweg () J2b1a 4450 Switzerland - Corded_Ware_Switzerland
Spreitenbach-Moosweg18/13 - Spreitenbach-Moosweg () J1c 4450 Switzerland - Corded_Ware_Switzerland
Spreitenbach-Moosweg2 - Spreitenbach-Moosweg () T2b 4450 Switzerland - Corded_Ware_Switzerland
Spreitenbach-Moosweg3 - Spreitenbach-Moosweg () K 4450 Switzerland - Corded_Ware_Switzerland
Spreitenbach-Moosweg8 - Spreitenbach-Moosweg () H11a 4450 Switzerland - Corded_Ware_Switzerland
Spreitenbach-Moosweg9 - Spreitenbach-Moosweg () H11a 4450 Switzerland - Corded_Ware_Switzerland