Ancient DNA: Map based on public dataset on (

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22 samples found (0.15% of all samples).
Click to view original post in dataset or 'Obejct ID - Location' to show object on the map. Y-DNA mtDNA Mean Age (ybp) Country - Culture
SJN002 - San José de los Naturales Royal Hospital in Mexico City E-P277 (E1b) L3d1a1a 415 Mexico - Viceroyalty of the New Spain (Slave)
SJN001 - San José de los Naturales Royal Hospital in Mexico City E-L515 (E1b) L1b2a 411 Mexico - Viceroyalty of the New Spain (Slave)
SJN003 - San José de los Naturales Royal Hospital in Mexico City E-CTS8030 (E1b) L3e1a1a 415 Mexico - Viceroyalty of the New Spain (Slave)
BC28 - Southern tip of Baja California Peninsula P-M45 (P1) C1c1 500 Mexico - Pericúes
MX-01 - Iron Springs, MX Q-L53 (Q1b) B2a5a 2700 Mexico - Baja, Mexico
BC27 - Southern tip of Baja California Peninsula Q-L53 (Q1b) B2g1 500 Mexico - Pericúes
MOM6 - northern Mexico (Sierra Tarahumara) Q-CTS10359 (Q1b) C1b 3200 Mexico - Pre-Columbian mummies
B-03 - LC-218, Baja, MX Q-CTS10359 (Q1b) C1b11 2700 Mexico - Pericu
BC29 - Southern tip of Baja California Peninsula Q-CTS10359 (Q1b) CZ 500 Mexico - Pericúes
BC30 - Southern tip of Baja California Peninsula Q-CTS10359 (Q1b) B2g1 500 Mexico - Pericúes
B-04 - Comondu, Baja, MX () C1b41a1 2700 Mexico - Baja, Mexico
ULI2 - Convento () B2a 1000 Mexico - Casas Grandes, Viejo
LP12.1 - Cueva Candelaria () B2 714 Mexico - Aceramic
LP12.2 - Cueva Candelaria () B2 714 Mexico - Aceramic
LP12.4 - Cueva Candelaria () B2 714 Mexico - Aceramic
LP12.5 - Cueva Candelaria () C1b 714 Mexico - Aceramic
LP12.6 - Cueva Candelaria () B2 714 Mexico - Aceramic
LLI2 - Paquimé () C1c5 625 Mexico - Casas Grandes, Medio
LRI1 - Paquimé () C1c1a 625 Mexico - Casas Grandes, Medio
ULI1 - Paquimé () B2f 625 Mexico - Casas Grandes, Medio
BC23 - Southern tip of Baja California Peninsula () B2g1 500 Mexico - Pericúes
BC25 - Southern tip of Baja California Peninsula () CZ 500 Mexico - Pericúes